Hi, I'm Aubin :)

Aubin Labrosse
The Rainbow Magician

Freeing and activating magical beings to be the most powerful and impactful versions of themselves

Click here to book your free discovery call and begin exploring the power of Rainbow Magic

Click here if you're interested in booking a free discovery call

Aubin has always been a learner and a seeker. Having started his journey at birth with a physical handicap involving brain damage, you might think he had some things to overcome. But he had a lot of cards stacked in his favor too. He jokes that he "got to keep all the important stuff", eg the ability to communicate, think, laugh, love, and connect with his fellow humans. Having been blessed with the ability to read very well from a very early age he was off to the races devouring everything he could about math and science.Realizing at about 20 that all the knowledge in the world doesn't make for a happy life, going through deep depression in his college years, and it taking him until 30 to realize he hated his first career, he's hit rock bottom a time or two in his life as well. But each time he did, more luck - the next opportunity for more happiness just happened to be right at his doorstep. In 2012 at 31 he embarked on a journey to completely rewrite his brain so as to learn to walk using the Feldenkrais method of somatic education, he succeeded at the goal and was walking unassisted by 35. In 2016 he changed careers, working for Google in a dream position, and even running his own web company out of a condo he owns in Northern Thailand - a total dream scenario at the time.

So what was the big secret that took him from the depths of depression to creating dream jobs and life experiences? It's simple but not easy:Feeling all of his emotions, as often as possible, in the moment, without judgement.Once he "uncorked the bottle" of suppression, so to speak, his default state kept steadily rising - even through events others might have considered deeply challengingIn late 2019 when his business crashed due to the actions of a partner, he came home to the States for another amazing job at Facebook. Little did he know (nor the world, of course) that he was about to be stuck there for 2 years in a global pandemic.in the lows of 2020, surviving several bouts of Covid and feeling isolated in his bedroom working remotely, he discovered another key piece of the puzzle of human psychosomatics:The importance of removing toxic belief structures effectively, rapidly, and with little to no effort.ie, all the things you hear in your head that tell you what you think you are, are mostly junk and are lying to you.Being fortunate to have found some of the best practitioners in the world at this, Aubin dove head first into clearing out negative beliefs that were actually forming all the emotions he had gotten so good at purging - no use bailing a ship if there's water still coming it, right?Working with the team, Aubin removed stuff around self love, body image, ways of seeing the world, ways of approaching "failure", and many other general hindrances modern society conditions us with.Having been bitten by the bug of improving oneself and the results on the other side, and displaying some relative talent for healing modalities, he continued to peel the onion of his psyche.

At a private event in 2021, Rainbow Magic was born. Having experienced what can only be called a spiritual awakening, Aubin began to experience the world much differently. And knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, why he had the body he had - so that he could feel every nuance of the energetics he was about to gain access to.In the early days of Rainbow Magic, he thought he was crazy. Hearing the Universe in his head, seeing energies in the field that binds us as colors, seeing blockages in the chakras of his clients, working with Source Consciousness to move them out of the way for people - it all seemed a bit much for a former programmer. But as he worked with friends and family and they continued to report results of ease, flow, manifestation, joy, better lives, better relationships, money, and onward, he knew he had something he had to share with the world. He knew that his gift was to help humanity access the next levels of manifestation, the next levels of alignment, the ease and flow that is our birthright, and to do it in a way that was powerful, real, efficient, effective, and gentle.If you're interested in learning how you can access greater impact, flow, and alignment with your own magic, book a discovery call with me here to see if rainbow magic is right for you.

You're ready for a change in your life.
You're ready to fully own your intuition, your power, and the fullness of who you really are.

Let's get to know each other to find out if we're a good fit. We'll do this with a simple and easy phone call. During our call we'll discuss what your goals are and work out a plan to get you to where you want to be. At the end of the call, I'll also include a free mini-session so that you can be sure that Rainbow Magic is the right tool for you before making any commitments.

Are you and Rainbow Magic a good fit?

You are likely a good fit if...

  • You believe in the power of energy work and that it can have a profound impact on your life

  • You are already energy sensitive and aware and are wanting to take your abilities to the next level

  • You are willing to invest in yourself via time, effort, and money

  • You get excited at the idea of up-leveling your intuitive gifts

You are likely not a good fit if...

  • You do not desire to enhance your energetic skills and spiritual gifts

  • You believe that there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that a more subtle, energetic realm exists and interacts with our world

  • You are unwilling to invest into yourself and your own development

  • You blame others for what's happening in your life

Book a free introductory call plus mini-session with me here if you'd like to learn more about Rainbow Magic and how it can help. Be sure to look for the follow up email in order to confirm your appointment.

Media Appearances

Justin Tang Podcast Appearance:
The Secret Shortcuts to Manifestation Using Rainbow Magic

How do we manifest whatever we want? Is there a shortcut to clearing out limiting beliefs and trauma? And what does Rainbow Magic have to do with anything?

Here is an interview I did with Justin Tang, a hypnotist / coach who specializes in working with people within the realm of spirituality, about my own spiritual journey, including overcoming cerebral palsy, the little known keys to manifestation, and how rainbow magic can revolutionize your life as it did mine.
Check Justin out here if you need help deconstructing religious trauma

Epic Kate Podcast Appearance:
Becoming The Rainbow Magician through Faith and Awareness

How did my journey start? What's the best path to enlightenment? Find the answers to these questions and more in the video below

Here is an interview I did with Epic Kate, a podcast host and student of the Universe like me - check out Kate's Youtube Podcast here:Epic Kate Podcast

Enter your name and email here and I'll send you my cool video or PDF or something.This section is used as an email capture! Make a free document, ebook, something like that. The form will be connected to your email service, and then we will build a workflow that sends the freebie as soon as someone is added to the email list.This can begin a funnel or line of communication between you and person!

Rainbow Magic is an advanced form of energy work I was blessed to receive in April 2021. Sessions typically occur over Zoom but if you are local to Los Angeles, could potentially occur in person if you wish.

Any number of things are possible of course, but, the primary foundation of a Rainbow Magic session is chakra based energy work.

We typically start with the root chakra for new clients but if you are an ongoing client we could be working on any chakra. We remove blocks, move out “heavy” energy, tune up the energy body in that chakra in accordance with your higher self and the universe, and generally ensure that energy flows smoothly through the system such that we can potentially correlate it to results you are seeking.

This can often be an experience of catharsis or healing as we find your sticking points and uncover the ways of working through them, together.

While this is different for each person

I’ve had clients who:

    -Easily manifested things they wanted that had previously been challenging for them.

    -Healed traumas and other challenging experiences that had been resistant to other modalities

    -Found their alignment (what that means is different for each person but i’d be happy to talk with you about it)

    -Activated latent energetic gifts/became more energetically or spiritually aware

Yes! Because I want to know that we are a good fit and that you will get great value out of our sessions together, I offer a couple of different ways to 'try before you buy'

    -the mini session in the discovery call, which you can book by clicking this link

  1. -Join my free Facebook Group
  2. and participate in a group session (currently planning for twice monthly)


Gladius Sovereign - Creator of the Sovereign Mind Method and Identity Architect

Kayla Edwards

I met Aubin a few months ago and the impact on my life is something
I’m not sure I can justly articulate.
He showed me my heart and I have never experienced or felt life the same way since.These few short months feel like lifetimes.I am not sure if I trust another human more than Aubin.Or knew self-love at all prior to meeting him.He’s masterful with emotional healing and asked if I would be interested in addressing my many physical woes.Of course, I was onboard!And humbly, he wasn’t sure if he could make the impact he hoped for, as this was new for him.He absolutely delivered. (As if I had any doubts!)The experience was beautiful. Apparently, the neighbor’s horse thought so too as it began to neigh like crazy!I felt so cheered on in the experience as I felt energy coursing through my body.I’m very green at energy work and felt like I was easily guided to achieve what we were working to accomplish, efficiently.His visualizations were natural and easy.
And I loved listening to him receive the guidance he was asking for to be effective.
On the other side of our physical healing session, without a doubt I feel amazing!There are places on my body that usually hurt to touch, and now they don’t.Actually, I feel taller!I have some chronic problems that have impeded my life that I notice marked improvement with.He sweetly checked in later and I was having a little residual discomfort.He then cleared it.I’m absolutely blown away with how my body is feeling!Aubin is amazing at what he does, even if he’s addressing something new to him.His level of love and care are unparalleled,Thank you, Aubin for helping me in all the ways you have. I’m eternally grateful for you-AC, Colorado

Just wow!Truly divine magic in divine timing, Rainbow magic appeared in my life. I am so happy I trusted the signs and myself to book and show up to a call with Aubin!In the past before our call, I struggled with depression, closed energy chakras/hormonal imbalance and physical pain resulting in limiting circumstances keeping me from experiencing my fullest expression and inner connection.Aubin amazingly, intuitively and instantly knew, over our zoom call with no prior conversation, the places in my body that I was holding energy that was ready to be balanced and what was keeping me from full connection to my source energy. I could feel and see the shifts and balancing happening in each moment through the different realms. The container Aubin created for us to work was so wonderfully relaxed, comfortable, open and allowed me to feel able to explore my fullest expression.Less than an hour call with Aubin RADICALLY helped to shift my entire being into FULL alignment and release ALL of those blockages immediately. After our session, I am beaming like never before and I feel fully energized, confident and aware within myself. I feel connected to my true being and essence in ways I could not have imagined before and I am excited to see how this shift will continue to ripple out into life moving forward.The entire encounter and container with Aubin was absolutely exquisite and beyond words. Aubin’s pure presence to service is truly life changing and I whole heartedly recommend anyone looking for support in their life to connect with Aubin and Rainbow magic. You will be SO glad you did.It was truly an honor to experience. I will remember our session for the rest of my existence and forever will be grateful for this activation that was truly divine.Love always,Brooke H.

Some days, some people, some abilities just change your life. And holy cow has mine been changed. Aubin masterfully and powerfully activated a practical whole army within me. It may have been an hour session, but time is merely a placeholder when it comes to miracles. I am forever changed and not only am I clearer but more powerful.I cannot thank you enough.- E.M., Dallas, Texas

I’ve been working with THE Magical Aubin LaBrosse for 2.5 months now. I wasn’t stuck but I wanted to shift some things in my life with ease. ‘Move’ my thinking if you will, shifting my energy. Every session I’ve had with Aubin has been a 10 out of 10. I leave each session feeling honored and blessed to have this magical wizard in my life. If you’re wanting an energetic tuneup in your life and want to invite some magic (by magic I mean synchronicity, coincidence, serendipity) book a session with Aubin.-SR, Texas.

I recently got out of a Rainbow Magic session with Aubin. During the session I can feel his authenticity, his care about you exudes out of him, and he has this amazing ability to bring out your best in a short amount of time. I believe we all have the answers in us and there's talented individuals that pull out what is already inside. He did just that. I'm looking forward to what continues to unfold from my multiple sessions with Aubin.I recommend his services to anyone who says they want to do something and they just haven't yet, feel stuck, or know they are capable of more. I know he'll bring out the best in you too! Love,-AabriAabri Kimball, Success Coach

I had the honor to serendipitously meet Aubin which turned into one of the most life changing opportunities I have come across in my spiritual journey. I invested in myself the day I accidentally venmoed him instead of the woman who sold my puppy to me. Aubin graciously sent my money back to me and offered his magical services soon after. I trusted the universe that this was the next step in my journey.As I started my 🌈 healing 🌈 this rainbow magic that Aubin has been gifted with has really taken me to a new upgrade in my energy, helped me find my gifts, helped me dig into my shadow and release pain and suffering, assisted me in merging with my tree spirit essence and essentially filled me with rainbow energy that has balanced my feminine and masculine design.Aubin is a master of his craft. I am forever grateful for the in depth sessions, comfort, and continuing success I find from this magic. 🪄 I appreciate all of your magic, Aubin!! I am not sure if our work together is over but I look forward to my future rainbow 🌈 meditations and re-listening to my recordings as needed.KP, Wisconsin

Working with Aubin was something different than I had ever experienced. I saw and felt his Rainbow Magic happen in real time. What I was seeing in my mind's eye and feeling in my body was so very clear.About a week later, after integrating the gifts for my well-being, I was able to place these gifts into my practices, which allowed my formerly very intense sessions to keep the immensity without the strain for the heavy lifting that is done for my partnership's sessions.Working with Aubin was incredibly helpful and I completely recommend him. I look forward to working with him again in the future.💖😘Much Love and much Light,Aiyana SoulcialLightworker - Divine Energy AlchemistSoulcial Healing

Weird things happen while working with Aubin, like music suddenly playing from your locked phone or a rush of unexplainable energy flowing through your body (both true stories!). I've worked with quite a few energy healers before, but I never FEEL in real time the effects of what they're doing the way that I do with Aubin. I don't actually know how to explain what he does but I do know that I want some more!JS, NYC.

Aubin truly has a gift of healing. Within minutes of our session, he detected old recurring pain within me and helped to dispel it.We then moved on to find three colors within me that represented the qualities that I needed to embody most to bring about what I was yearning for most in life - a meaningful committed relationship and a family. After our session, I continued to meditate on these for the next few months and I am happy to say that I am now married to the exact person I was longing to meet for almost two decades and we are expecting our first child.- MH

When I started working with Aubin, I was already a very activated healer. I have never experienced anything like Aubins magic and I’ve worked with some of the best energy workers on the planet. Aubin with his colorful rainbow magic 🪄 🌈 and powerful source connection was able to help me get out of my way step into a new level of healing and activate in ways I didn’t know were possible. Aubin and his beautiful rainbow 🌈 magic have helped me to ascend much faster and in new ways. It’s a true gift to work with Aubin I feel very fortunate to have experienced his work.-GM, Texas

I have to be honest, when Aubin asked me to write this testimonial, I dragged my feet on it. Because I didn’t know if I could accurately put into words how much he has changed my life for the absolute best. Aubin is one of those souls that when you come across them you know it’s the universe pushing you towards an upgrade. I met him at a retreat a month after my spiritual life blew wide open.I was working through layers of childhood trauma, and I had just been dumped by someone I would have bet my life on that we’d be together forever. As such, I had zero confidence in myself and felt lost and alone. He and I had an amazing chat, and I found my walls coming down which given my past is a very good sign that his energy was coming from a pure and loving place.During the retreat’s exercises we got teamed up for a psychic exercise. The goal was to try to visualize a future for your partner. Aubin started and began to relay this vision of me speaking to a group of people around a campfire while also seeing the earth glowing brighter and more radiant as I speak.While he was relaying all of this to me, I started thinking about The Lorax. It felt very “I speak for the trees” of me and as I’m thinking of this he says, “wait, now I’m being blasted with images of the Lorax from Dr. Seuss” and I knew in that very instant that everything I was feeling, seeing, and experiencing was legitimate.After the retreat, we connected and had a discovery call to go over what the experience would look like for our sessions. The whole time I felt safe and that he had positive intentions and energy. This was my first experience doing energy work one on one with someone, and any anxiety, apprehension, and tentativeness melted away during our first session. The experience really is hard to adequately
explain in words, but what I can say is that the connection, feelings, and transformation I had during and after still stays with me today.
I felt that I was connected to Gaia below and Source above and out from my heart to Aubin. The messages he receives and the energy he sends out is authentic, genuine, and life changing. One of the biggest gifts he has given me without him even realizing it is permission. I didn’t grow up in an environment that encouraged and allowed me to be my real and authentic self. In fact, the more I showed that part of me the more I was shunned, bullied, and punished.Aubin does the opposite; he draws that truth out of you and does so while also empowering you to stand tall in that truth. I always knew there was something different, unique, and one of a kind about me. I just didn’t have the confidence and courage to dare speak it out loud. I felt guilty and egotistical for even having the thoughts.Working with Aubin has allowed me to work through those feelings and feel confident in a way I haven’t ever before. It’s also allowed me to step into my own abilities and tap into my power and gifts. While I think I may have eventually stepped into them on my own, I don’t think it would be as positive or smooth of a transition as it has been with Aubin.Because of his talents and abilities, I can begin my work as an Earth magician and do my part to help raise the consciousness of this planet, without being critical or judging myself harshly. That was something I wasn’t expecting to get when I began working with Aubin, and to me that is a priceless gift that I will hold onto for the rest of my life. If you’re reading this and like me had this inkling that there was something else inside you that is special and needs to come out, reach out to Aubin and talk to him about it. Chances are you have so much more to discover about yourself and trust me, you’re worth it to find out.-RL, Maryland